Google Statistics are the information and analysis on various features of Google and how they affect user behavior, online visibility, and website rankings with about every bit and bat happening on the massive platform.
Google has constantly changing algorithms and policies, but it is the leading search engine provider.
But the ever-changing policies and strategies planning are not overacting but it continuously reshapes the digital world. These changes affect things like ranking factors, voice search, mobile optimization, backlinks, local SEO, and more.
With the help of fundamental statistics, you can stay one step ahead of the competition and prove to be a super-intelligent worker!
So, we have gotten together a broad and up-to-date collection of crucial Google statistics as of 2023 that dig into countless sides of Google’s search environment and take diamonds out for you.
It is up to you to arm yourself with useful information to improve your online presence and search performance.
What is Google Statistics About?
This is useful and real information about everything that comes under the platform and that works for the platform.
In simple words, it is Information about:
- The numerous factors that affect how websites are ranked by Google in its search results
- Content on the website, user experience, backlinks, page loading speed
- How individuals use Google to find information, goods, and services
- Statistics on voice searches, their popularity, and the effects they are having on search behavior and SEO tactics.
- How to optimize videos for search results on Google as well as video-specific search techniques.
- Statistics about optimizing websites for local searches to reach audiences in particular locations, business start-ups, or strategies planning
- Data on the significance of mobile-friendly websites and how Google’s mobile-first indexing impacts search rankings
- The significance of links that go to a website from other websites and how these links affect a site’s authority and search engine rankings
- Keyword usage and study to better understand user intent and raise search engine rankings
Well, you often hear this entire super-intelligent thing, but certainly you be thinking how is all of this going to be a phenomenal success for your business start-ups?
To begin with, website owners, digital marketers, and SEO experts can use this info in making wise choices to improve their online presence, boost organic traffic, and improve search engine ranks.
If things are not easily understandable for you, here is a little instance,
If you want to open a shop somewhere, what do you do?
Would you go there blindly and start your business or you would first collect the information on how that place works and what is the requirement of the market!
Certainly, you first collect the required information so you do what goes smoothly with that new place!
Now you understand why it is important to remain up to date with what Google says and does.
Therefore, let us all know about Google Statistics in detail and everything that is slightly related to it.
Why Just Google Statistics?
Simple answer: Highly visited online site
- The most popular website worldwide is Google.
- Every month, it receives about 89.3 billion visits
- Google is the go-to search engine for billions of people and handles about 1.2 trillion queries each year.
- Google is an important platform for both businesses and consumers. (business start-ups, strategies planning)
- Google provides a wide range of services in addition to being a search engine, such as Gmail (an email service), Google News, and Google Shopping.
- The internet user searches Google four times every day on average.
- There are approximately 1.7 billion daily users of Google Search.
- 7 billion queries are conducted on Google every day.
- As of January 2022, Google controlled 91.9 percent of the search engine market sector.
- Every day, Google processes more than 8.5 billion searches or more than 99,000 queries every second.
- Every month, 8 billion people use Google Lens.
- Mobile devices account for 63% of Google’s organic search traffic in the US sector.
- Google is where 46% of product searches start.
- Only 0.63% of users click through to the Google search results on page two.
- With 94.2% of the population actively using Google, India has the greatest percentage of users.
- Google’s voice search tool is utilized by about 20% of users according to Google Statistics.
- Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, is the sixth most valuable company in the world with a net worth of $1.598 trillion.
- Google’s income in 2021 was $256.74 billion, with around $209 billion coming from advertising.
- As of January 2022, Google held a 92% market share for search engines, dominating the sector.
- There are 135,301 full-time employees at Google worldwide, with 84,000 of them working in the US.
- Google operates 70 setups across 50 nations, serving many different worldwide regions.
You see Google Statistics is in billions, making it the biggest marketplace with a massive audience.
So why not know everything about it so we reach the best, number one and no less!
A Definitive Guide to Google Statistics
Since Google has several factors that contribute to overall statistics, let us begin with
Search Engine Optimization
- Search engines are the starting point of 68% of online activities.
- Search engine traffic accounts for 53.3% of all website traffic.
- SEO generates 1,000% or more traffic than organic social media.
- 60% of marketers claim that their highest-quality lead source is inbound (SEO, blog content, etc.).
- A 14.6% closure rate is seen for SEO leads as per Google Statistics.
- Google does not send any organic search traffic to 90.63% of pages.
- Only 49% of the time the top-ranking website receives the most search traffic for any sector.
- Within a year after publication, just 5.7% of pages will appear in the top 10 search results.
- 4 percent of the time, Google rewrites title tags.
- Google now rewrites title tags 33% more frequently.
- Google uses the H1 element 50.76% of the time when it ignores the title tag.
- Meta descriptions are absent from 25.02 percent of pages that rank highly as per Google Statistics.
- Only 37.22 percent of the time Google’s search results include Meta descriptions.
- Nearly 1,000 more relevant terms are included in the top 10 search results for the typical top-ranking page.
- The top 10 pages have an average age of over two years.
- The Core Web Vitals criteria are met by 33% of websites.
- 31 percent of pages lack backlinks as per Google Statistics.
- In general, a page receives more organic Google traffic with more backlinks it has.
- Of the top 110,000 websites, 10.6% of all hyperlinks are nofollow.
- 74% of keywords have 10 or fewer monthly searches.
- The word question is used in 8% of search searches.
- According to Google Statistics, 15% of all Google searches are brand-new queries.
- For their business start-ups, 78.2% of SEOs charge a monthly payment.
- Local service providers typically make $93.89 per hour, while global service providers make $106.69 per hour.
- The average CTR for the top result in Google’s organic search results is 27.6%.
- 4% of all clicks go to the first three results in Google searches.
- Around 83% of the global search market sector is accounted for by Google.
- Location-based searches account for 30% of all mobile searches.
- 76% of consumers who use their smartphones to seek local businesses do it within a day.
- Within a day, 28% of local search queries result in a purchase.
- 53% of smartphone users look up directions to nearby stores, and 54% look up business hours as per Google statistics.
- Higher YouTube ranks are strongly correlated with the quantity of comments, views, shares, and likes on a video.
- A first-page YouTube video typically lasts 14 minutes and 50 seconds.
- The mobile devices sector makes up 58.99% of all website traffic worldwide.
- By 2025, 72.6% of internet users will only use their smartphones to access the internet.
- A voice search often returns results that are only 29 words long as per Google statistics.
- Around 12.3% of search searches include featured snippets.
- Prior to selecting any search results from their initial search, about 18% of users type in a new query.
- About 75% of searchers never look past the first page of results.
- More than one search result is selected by 21% of users as per sector stats.
- In 2018, Google claimed to have made over 3,620 improvements to search.
- In the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), organic results receive about 94% of clicks.
- Google receives 72.4% of all desktop search engine traffic globally, followed by Bing (12.3%), Baidu (11.3%), and Yahoo (1.9%).
- In a variety of businesses, nearly 40% of sales come from organic visitors as per Google statistics.
- A clickthrough rate of 36% is produced by SERP pages 1 through 3.
- According to Google statistics, Positions 1 through 10 on Google are already occupied by 99.58% of highlighted snippets.
- Every second, Google processes about 86,000 searches.
- By two to three times, brand affinity can considerably increase click-through rates.
- When visiting a website through a search engine, users typically visit three to five pages.
- The top three SERPs-ranked domains have a 49% average bounce rate.
- A top 10 search result’s average time spent on the page is 3 minutes and 10 seconds as per Google statistics.
- Compared to social media, organic search brings 300% more visitors to websites.
- Nearly 91 percent of pages don’t receive any traffic from Google.
- For 70.6% of all internet traffic, the top search engines (Google, YouTube, Bing, and Yahoo) are responsible.
Google Statistics On Organic Searches
- Google does not send any organic search traffic to 90.63% of the pages.
- 68 percent of online activities begin with a search engine
- Instead of starting with branded search strategies planning, 71% of B2B researchers start with a generic search.
- 53% of consumers always do their homework to make sure they are selecting the best product before making a purchase.
- Mobile devices account for about two-thirds of all online searches worldwide.
- 69% of marketers spend money on SEO.
- The typical page that ranks first for a given keyword will also place highly for about 1,000 more comparable keywords.
Google Statistics For Blogging
- Online, people choose to scan content rather than read it word for word in search of super-intelligent information that will meet their immediate needs
- 70% of individuals prefer reading blogs to watching traditional commercials.
- Over 600 million blogs exist worldwide, out of 1.9 billion web pages. Over 6 million blog posts are published every day, for a yearly total of over 2.5 billion posts
- 77% of the information on blogs is in the form of how-to articles, making them the most common content type sector. Guides and ebooks are next at 47%, followed by news and trends at 49%.
- Only one-third of bloggers routinely review their blog’s traffic statistics.
- After reading a blog post for about 7 minutes on average, readers begin to engage with it.
Some Bonus Statistics
- 1,890 words on average make up the first page of Google search results as per Google Statistics.
- Pages that load quickly typically appear higher in search results.
- Higher Google ranks are correlated with a low bounce rate.
- Since 2008, there has been an incredible 35x increase in the use of voice search.
- 60% of the top 10 Google search results are older than three years.
- Long content typically receives more backlinks, and backlinks continue to be a key sector of Google’s algorithm.
- Given that 46% of Google searches are for local information, therefore, local SEO for business start-ups is crucial.
- A Google ad has an average click-through rate of 3.17%.
- The average conversion rate for Google Ads is 3.75%.
- A remarkable 92% of search queries have been made up completely of long-tail terms.
- For every dollar spent on Google Ads, advertisers receive a return of $2.
- With 55% of Americans listening to podcasts, the sector is expanding quickly.
- To assess the quality of backlinks, marketers consider a site’s domain authority (65%), domain ratings (48%), and page authority (36%).
- Google’s top-ranking websites have 3.8 times more backlinks than the remaining top 10 websites.
- According to 52% of marketers’ Google Statistics, building backlinks can improve search engine rankings.
- Google Search Console is the most used tool for link building (42.3%), followed by Buzzstream (14.8%) and Ahrefs (8.5%).
- Video content has the highest return on investment, according to more than 40% of business start-ups.
- Google statistics show that 41% of adults and 55% of teenagers use voice search on a daily basis.
- Google had more than 267 million unique visitors in the United States as of October 2020.
- Comparing mobile and desktop search results, 89% of URLs and 37% of URLs in positions 1–20 show different ranks.
- Only 22% of online information that is published will be linked back more times.
- According to 53% of SEO professionals, backlinking will one day be just as significant strategies planning as search.
- Only 13% of marketers currently agree that external linking is the most crucial SEO component.
- According to 54% of marketers, creating super-intelligent content is the best SEO strategy.
Some Interesting Facts About Google
- When it was only a research project, Google’s original name was Backrub.
The goal of Google is to organize and make all of the information of the world accessible
- When Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google, they were actually two college students. Their first vision was to build a search engine that ranked web pages according to the quality and quantity of links going to them.
- The method used by Google to rank web pages in search results is known as PageRank.
- Google launched Gmail, a new email service, in a surprise revelation on April 1, 2004. However, many originally believed it was a huge prank or an April Fool joke by Google because of the announcement’s timing on that day.
- In fact, Google purchased YouTube, the well-known super-intelligent video-sharing sector, in November 2006 for a total of more than $1.5 billion in stock.
- Google receives about 15% of daily searches that are completely original and have never been searched for before.
- Google became the first significant business to operate entirely on renewable energy as of April 2018.
The Ending Notes
Let us end the amazing journey of Google statistics here which certainly has a lot to come shortly.
It is an ocean of an unbelievable amount of information which is insane
Would any human ever thought about such a super-intelligent innovation ever in old time
Ahhhh! Well, we are manifesting it.
Nonetheless, it is clear from our going-over of Google statistics that the company has a significant effect in the online world. Google has influenced how we look for information and engage with the digital world by having billions of users and processing countless searches every day.
Google is an ever-present force, and in the digital world of discovery, Google is unchallenged, and connecting the potential of online strategies planning for success.
To cut a long story short, the statistics related to Google are the manifestation and proof of how much this platform has grown and is spreading.
Which Google statistics you are going to work and which one is your favorite to share?