Mahmoud Elkoumy propositions the ELU robot that can engross moisture on Mars and turn it into drinkable water.
The engineer was stimulated by NASA’s missions to Mars and has constructed an ELU robot to task in weather conditions resembling the red planet, recognized to have great heights of humidity but very dehydrated.
Mahmoud Elkoumy said,
“The new low-cost ELU robot technology, supported by artificial intelligence, can generate big amounts of water with less energy, using polymers. Other technologies used to generate water from the air, including mechanical heat exchangers, are more expensive and energy-consuming. My self-financed project can be used on larger scales not only on Mars but in other arid areas with little or no access to water resources. The ELU robot process could also end up solving water issues here on Earth. The cost of generating water from air is relatively lower than other technologies.”
According to the amalgamation parameters, the robot excerpts the moisture from the atmosphere and shoots it into pure drinkable water. The ELU robot is fresh optimism about life and existence on Mars and other planets. The surface of Mars is dry and humidity ranges to 100 percent in darkness at night.
The ELU robot abridges the filters and disinfects moisture in the air. All the functions track with solar power. The robot then augments the minerals necessary for the human requirements of the body. Rather than the perplexing classifications and technologies, the mechatronic engineer has made it simpler through a five-step filtration.
The Egyptian mechatronics engineer ELU robot is formulated to utilize humidity and turn it into the water using artificial intelligence.
Elkoumy accomplished the conglomeration in the epoch of nine months to extend ELU’s concluding scheme.
The ELU robot captures humidity and compresses to generate filtered drinking water.
With the amalgamation of ELU, Human life may be continued on Mars.
Robot ELU, built by Mahmoud Elkoumy, creates drinkable water by capturing humid air, compressing, and putting it through a five-step filtration.
ELU robot was approximately $250 to shape and budget approximately two cents for ELU to generate a quart of water. The statistics are ten times more economical than any additional current technology.