Protest against Pathan movie which is the record-breaker in Bollywood has been stated since day one. On February 16, 2023, the much-awaited Shahrukh khan movie Pathan’s release date was announced in theaters across Bangladesh. However, the release was halted due to a protest against the Pathan movie from a particular community that claimed that the movie contained derogatory content about their community.
The protest against Pathan movie began on the morning of the scheduled release date, with members of the community blocking roads and vandalizing theaters that were planning to screen the movie. The protests quickly spread across different parts of the country, with more people joining in.
The Shahrukh khan movie Pathan is an action-thriller film directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Yash Raj Films. It stars Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham in lead roles. The movie is a sequel to the 2017 movie “Tiger Zinda Hai” and features Khan as a RAW agent on a mission in Bangladesh.
According to reports related to the Protest against Pathan Movie in Bangladesh,
The protest against Pathan in Bangladesh is carryon against the movie release in Bangladesh. Protesters alleged that the movie contained scenes that portrayed their community in a negative light. They claimed that the movie showed their community as backward, uncivilized, and violent. They demanded that the movie be banned or edited to remove the offensive content.
The protest against Pathan movie continued for several days, with the government stepping in to try and resolve the issue. The Information Ministry called for a meeting with the movie’s producers and members of the protesting community to find a solution. However, the meeting ended without any resolution, with both sides sticking to their positions.
The government then decided to form a committee to review the movie and decide if it contained any derogatory content. The committee was made up of members of the Information Ministry, the Censor Board, and representatives from the protesting community.
The committee watched Pathan in Bangladesh and found that while it did contain some scenes that could be considered offensive, they were not significant enough to warrant a ban. The committee recommended that the movie be released with some minor edits to remove the offending scenes.
However, the protesting community refused to accept the committee’s recommendation and continued their protests. They demanded that the movie be banned outright and threatened to escalate their protests if their demands were not met.
The government, under pressure from the protests, decided to halt the release of the movie once again. The Information Ministry issued a statement saying that the release of the movie had been postponed until further notice.
The decision to halt the release of the movie has been met with mixed reactions from the public like protest against Pathan movie.
Some have criticized the government for caving into the demands of a particular community and not standing up for freedom of expression. Others have supported the decision, saying that the government was right to listen to the concerns of the protesting community.
The incident has once again highlighted the delicate balance between freedom of expression and the need to respect cultural sensitivities. While everyone has the right to express themselves freely, this right needs to be balanced against the need to respect and protect the feelings and beliefs of different communities.
The end note
In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Shahrukh khan’s movie Pathan release date and the protest against Pathan movie is a reminder of the challenges faced by filmmakers and governments in balancing freedom of expression with cultural sensitivities.
While it is important to protect the rights of individuals to express themselves freely, it is equally important to ensure that this right does not come at the expense of others’ beliefs and feelings. Only by finding this delicate balance can we hope to create a society that respects and values the diversity of its people.