The sacred month of Ramazan has arrived in the most beautiful Muslim world. The month of blessings, loves, peace and contentment will let Muslims manifest Growth in religion.
Ramazan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and one of the holiest months for Muslims worldwide. It is a month when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, perform charitable acts, and recite the Quran more frequently.
In the holy months, every good deed is multiplied by seventy times and you get the reward like you have done that act seventy times. Isn’t it beautiful? Indeed, it is one of the most beautiful things, Muslims are given.
Ramadan is an opportunity for Muslims to follow a journey of self-discipline, self-control, and spiritual growth.
Muslims pause and reflect on their lives, faith, and relationship with Allah the almighty. During this holy month, Muslims follow a beautiful routine when they wake up in Suhoor (time before sunrise), eat the meal, and stay prepared for the whole day to fast. This is followed by amazing prayers till sunset when they complete their fast in Iftar and fulfill their religious responsibility. Muslims establish religious growth goals to become better individuals and servants of Allah.
Ramazan and even Islam is a complete code of living like it is becoming a better version of yourself and not falling for any activity that has a high potential to harm you. Because true love means that you don’t want to intoxicate your body, soul, and life and that is what Islam says.
The importance of self-improvement, Growth in religion, and setting objectives for spiritual growth, however, is not confined to Muslims. It is an essential aspect of human existence, as we all strive to become better versions of ourselves, to live meaningful lives, and to make a good influence on the world around us.
Setting goals in the Sacred month of Ramazan
Fasting during Ramadan is more than just restricting from edibles or forbidden (Haram things). It is about increasing mindfulness, Self-Development, and Growth in religion.
Fasting reminds Muslims of the importance of self-control and how it can help them build stronger willpower and better control over their desires.
Controlling yourself is the most important thing that lets you win honors. Pursuing everything without valuing it or thinking of how harmful it could be to your existence has devastated several beings.
Setting unworldly growth goals is an important component of the journey of self-improvement. These objectives can range from reciting the Quran more frequently to praying more frequently, performing more charitable acts, or simply being more aware of one’s actions and thoughts.
It is about purifying yourself, purifying your life and soul. The knowledge saves you from the curse of those activities that are just draining your mental health and life.
Allah the Almighty can help provide focus, motivation, and a feeling of purpose. When we set goals for ourselves, we are good to take action and work toward them. Setting Self-Improvement and self-control objectives is a commitment to us and to Allah to become better individuals and Muslims.
Here an important thing is to consider and that is the value of Consideration and think about what you are having and lacking, what is good and what is the opposite.
Consideration is an essential part of self-improvement. If you examine, and consider the strengths and weaknesses, you will find areas for improvement. The process of considering and reflecting enables us to evaluate our actions and thoughts, learn from our mistakes, and make beneficial changes.
Muslims are encouraged to spend time during the sacred month of Ramazan reflecting on their lives, their relationship with Allah, and their purpose in life. Now, your purpose must be crystal clear for you and Ramazan is a time to seek forgiveness, seek guidance, and purpose in living a good life.
The Rewards of Self-Improvement
If I say that the biggest reward of Self-Improvement is it sets your entire life, it would not be wrong. Certain things are out of our control.
We don’t know what is to come, what the future holds for us, and such things. As humans, we can try our best and the rest is in hands of Allah the Almighty.
You will see yourself becoming a
- Better human being
- Better Muslim
- Patient
- Kind
- Grateful
And the most beautiful part is these characteristics help not only you but also those around you. It will become a remarkable chain of humanity and ultimately help the world become a peaceful place.
Setting Self-Improvement and self-discipline goals allows us to become more conscious of our actions and how they affect others.
We can learn to be more patient with our loved ones, to be more giving with our time and resources, and to be more compassionate to those in need. This sounds so beautiful and imagines how beautiful would it be when you see everyone truly doing so.
“Let this Ramazan be a month dedicated to Growth in religion and self-improvement. Become better people and better servants of Allah with qualities that benefit ourselves and those around us. Let us try to be better Muslims and people, and may Allah guide and bless us on this journey.”
In Ramazan, Muslims are reminded of their dependence on Allah. They learn to manage their desires and develop greater strength of mind by abstaining from food and drink during the day.
These traits can be applied to different aspects of life, such as better time management, establishing healthier habits, and resisting temptations. This is a journey to live a more purposeful existence.
Take full advantage of this sacred month of Ramazan and strengthen your bonds with Allah. Deepen your connection with Allah by engaging in Prayers (Namaz), optional prayers, and everything that reminds you of Allah the Almighty.
Consider the holy month of Ramazan as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be on a journey of self-improvement and growth. Don’t waste it as it is a blessing already that you reached it.
Make positive changes in your lives and strengthen connections with Allah.
May this Sacred month of Ramazan be a wonderful journey of Self-Improvement for you