A basic thing, to begin with, is that everyone alive deserves Rights, respect, right of freedom, identity, rights, and freedom to live with respect. The rights of Transgender People are also at the same level of respect.
We all are humans, who feel, think, sense, and tolerate.
Every human in the world deserves to live a happy and good life. Let a child learn everything with time and experience. Not with childhood traumas, violence, slavery, discrimination, or any sort of torture.
Who we are, what our identities are, or where we were born, this is not something in our hands. We are born with all these things and we live with them.
Being anyone is beautiful, no matter what because we are born with it.
How beautiful would it be if everyone feels this way?
Nonetheless, the reality is heart and soul-breaking.
People are judged, tortured, bullied, and even murdered. The long-term or short-term ranges of torture are seen widely in the world related to transgender.
They are tortured to the level that they are left with never-ending pain and traumas.
One of the supremely tortured and humiliated people in the world is transgender. How beautiful they are with amazing life and skills that can pave the way for success. But, how brutality they are broken that they suffer and suffer for their whole life.
This is the cruel reality that exists in several states of the world even after all the advancements and so-called modernism. The rights of Transgender are something that is ignored and disrespected like there is no one to ask about it. This is the darkest and sad part.
The world must be a place of love and equality with rights and freedom of living for everyone irrespective of gender, caste, and status.
It’s time to make the rights of transgender persons a reality.
This is a part of every individual joker than just laws and regulations.
We all are the same with emotions and sentiments; therefore we must feel for each other in a humanitarian and compassionate way. This is a violation of freedom of living.
Make things easy for each other’s and especially the people that have been the victim of discrimination for ages.
Several instances of violence and harassment have been reported against transgender people, whose existence is illegal in several countries.
They are born in a family and instead of celebrations that normally happen at such times; the family mourns it and hides it like an embarrassment, which it is not.
Therefore, you see that from the very first day of the life of a transgender, they start suffering like they are criminals. Life begins with grief and sorrow. Furthermore, in several states of the world, their entire life is nothing more than a war with stereotypes, narrow-mindedness, and societal pressure. The low incomes in life, not getting many opportunities in sectors and education, and getting bullied in every possible way, are this is a life of zillions of transgender.
Murders of transgender persons happen at frighteningly high rates. They are killed for very normal things like their life has no value. They are born means they are valuable and respected.
Despite the extensive list of rights violations, transgender persons have made great progress recently toward obtaining legal gender recognition and protection services, which is an essential step in preventing mistreatment. Also, they have become vocal about their rights. This is good that some of the community people are living a better life which is a basic right.
However, still, the other percentage is higher than you think. Rights of minorities, transgender, in some states women, and even animals are severely violated.
Transgender people are still subjected to humiliating procedures to change their identification documents and different other forms of torture, such as in some European and Latin American nations as well as the US.
It is not a particular place that is good with them or treats them worse. It is the pathetic mentality that people own with them everywhere. For global security, it is important to protect transgender.
The vulnerability of the Rights of Transgender people has risen in recent years. However, the circumstances were no different before. This factor is jeopardizing their health, placing transgender persons at higher risk of violence.
Transgender persons are not considered equal and are banned from many things that are accessible to everybody else.
This is evidence of a discriminatory mentality. To enable more transgender people to lead happier, happier, and healthy lifestyles, significant changes need to be made to legislation, policies, and attitudes nationwide. The legislation must protect them and punish those who do or intend to do any worse with them.
Transgender persons live in long-term risky environments as a consequence of individual attitudes. Their living criteria are not full filled. They live in miserable conditions and often die of terrible diseases.
They are not given equitable, humanitarian, and compassionate treatment across the nation. Transgender persons are limited to a lower platform, which restricts their capacity to accomplish some things that everyone else can. Nobody should feel inferior in a country that is supposed to be based on Rights, freedom of living, equality, and freedom.
When it is about transgender, suddenly everything changes like it was never meant to protect them.
Transgender rights have been a subject of debate for a very long time. But, the change that has been made in society is like nothing. It is not the time to deliver lectures, but to practically do things.
It is the 21st century and looks where we are when it comes to humanity, still in the dark ages of pathetic and disgusting mentality. Transgender persons must be given their rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of living, and the ability to work.
Imagine getting targeted or becoming the victim for just exercising your basic rights like freedom of living. This is the life of a transgender in several societies of the world. Tran’s phobia, an intense dislike to or form of prejudice based on one’s worldview about transgender people is increasing and increasing in the world.
Even the people who seem to show some support from them, do not do much when it comes to practicing doing something for them.
Nothing will happen from posting on social media. Take a step and protect each other by accepting, respecting, and valuing.