Rakhi Sawant controversy, the popular bollywood actress has been in the news lately for all the wrong reasons. Her current husband, Adil Khan Durrani, has been arrested on charges of domestic violence and misappropriation of funds.
Rakhi had introduced Adil to the public as her husband a few months ago, and also accepted Islam to get married to him.
But now she is left to fight the cases against him alone after her mother passed away. However, she has received support from her Ex-husband Ritesh who come up with the statement “I Know Everything” regarding Rakhi.
Ritesh and Rakhi’s relationship hit the headlines in BB 15 when they appeared together on the popular reality show.
Rakhi introduced Ritesh as her husband, but the relationship soon fell apart. It was revealed that the rakhi sawant husband Ritesh was already married with children. Despite the controversies, Ritesh has now come to Rakhi’s defense as she fights the cases against Adil Durrani.
In a Rakhi Sawant controversy video that he posted on Instagram,
Ritesh talked about Rakhi and Adil’s relationship and how he knows the reason behind their current troubles. He clarified that he had no intention of getting back with Rakhi, but he wanted to clear the air and set the record straight. Ritesh revealed that Rakhi had talked to him about Adil’s abusive behavior, and he had advised her to find someone who can take care of her.
Ritesh also spoke about the doubts surrounding Rakhi’s character and her intentions. He said that certain people from Pakistan have been speaking against Rakhi with an agenda. He also urged everyone to believe Rakhi and added that he may have separated from her, but the situation and a few other people involved were to be blamed for that. The message of Rakhi’s Sawant husband Ritesh does not end here.
Further in the video, Ritesh also spoke about his own past experiences and how they are similar to Rakhi’s current situation. He said that just because he had faced similar troubles in the past, it did not make him wrong. Ritesh praised Rakhi saying, she was important to him, and after his parents, she was the one who had given him so much love and care.
The video has gone viral on social media, and Rakhi has also shared a glimpse of Ritesh’s interview on her Instagram Stories. The public has mixed opinions, with some saying that he is just trying to gain attention and others calling it a noble gesture.
Rakhi Sawant controversy again brought the spotlight on domestic violence and the need for more support for the victims. The case against Adil Khan Durrani is still ongoing, and the public is eagerly awaiting the outcome. The news of Ritesh’s support for Rakhi has once again sparked debates and discussions online, and the story is likely to continue to be a hot topic in the days to come.