It would be a fascinating and creative feature if keyboards could talk because they would speak the truth about people, more than the world knows.
In the years of digitalization and the internet, from formal work to educational assignments, from using social media applications and posting to undertaking prevalent works, from billing, spending, and business to running the prime enterprises the whole kit and caboodle is done through computer systems or phone more precisely Keyboards.
In the global healthcare pandemic of Covid-19, the whole world was captivated inside their homes and restricted to Phones and Systems to execute related tasks.
In this exception, E-Commerce was upgraded and a rise is confronted in technology and digital well-being. In short, the use of the keyboard increased 10 times more than before.
If Keyboards could talk then any keyboard in-home or office would perhaps tell us to take a break and let me rest for a while. The keyboard would have been mentally tired or the Motherboard would have been mentally ill.
We are continuously online researching information regarding our requirements and everyday jobs or reading daily news or finding sound deals.
In an era of technology and social media, the internet offers an overabundance of resources for us to custom at home or work.
The technology trend of Remote working in human resources is also integrated into workplaces and many individuals are working from home. So the job of our Keyboards has become tremendously hectic and lethargic.
The information we insert through the keyboard is also processed and inputted making keyboards just run and run. Moreover, alongside our tasks, humans become very unproductive and waste time watching Dramas, movies, and videos.
In simple words Keyboards, if could talk, we would have become the most conscious of our unchanging and would command us all the time to be productive and do things in actuality as an alternative to virtual conversations and appointments.
If keyboards could talk they would be competent to say that they witness more of the actual and depressing sides of this social and electronic media addict generation who does not even know how they are ruing their mental health and real contentment.
They would comprehend who we actually and truly are than what we pretend to be. There are so many kinds of stuff and subjects we look up to over the internet that most of us would never tell or show.
Keyboards could also tell us what sympathetic lives we live by giving us reality checks. The other thing our keyboards would say is that we could be more authentic and dedicated to ourselves and others too.
If the Keyboards could talk something they would say,
But who are you when no one is watching?
But if Keyboards could talk and express they would have told us to be way more practical and realistic and do the things that genuinely matter.
To be more mature, to be someone who does not scroll his or her life away in social media, and precisely the one who protects himself from the materialism of the world, because there is no good there.
They would mercy on us that how mentally immature and tired we are, how we do not love ourselves, and how we hypocritically turn out to be completely different human beings when the world is watching.
They would comprehend our dark secrets. The way we lie sometimes, we disrespect, we use punitive comments, we swear, we hurt, and most prominently how we all have become least bothered about values and principles.
If Keyboards could talk, what would they say about you?