Presently, Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan could face numerous years of being imprisoned for the new charges. The Pakistani police department has charged him under anti-terror law with threatening police officers and a judge.
The recent months have been extremely challenging and distressing for the politics and economy of Pakistan. The political instability has disturbed and interrupted several important states of affairs.
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been fronting political and economic instability for decades. It’s not new for the state to get into political uncertainties. However, the common people pay the summit of prices like always.
The economic news and political news are more about decline and loss than prosperity.
Tehreek-e-insaaf is one of the leading and supremely famous political parties in Pakistan.
The chairman of the party Imran Khan has the power and following to gather entire states on a single call.
Ups and Downs for Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan
Imran Khan was ousted by a motion of no-confidence in April 2022 and ever since he has been leading massive rallies across the country to recover his position.
The politician has been claiming confidently that a foreign plot was planned for his dismissal.
To make the nation aware of the political and economic waves of Pakistan, he is voicing his thoughts to a comprehensive audience in the form of speeches and rallies.
But currently, the party is suffering arrests, a ban on speeches, and charges from the leading institutions of Pakistan.
Furthermore, the channels and journalists supporting the political party are also getting threats and arrests. The long-term chaos is making people disappointed to believe in any good of the state as the matter is complicated.
Amidst all the political chaos, Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has been charged with anti-terror laws, breaching the state’s anti-terrorism act for purportedly making threats against state officials.
Their inquiry is established when he reproached the police and judiciary for keeping and torturing a close supporter.
The short-term scenarios are highlighting more conflicts and problems.
Nonetheless, khan has now been approved for pre-arrest bail until Thursday.
These cases are further escalating the political tensions in the country. Pakistan needs a break from all the instabilities, and uncertainties to focus on growth, and development and reach its economic goals.
The Islamabad High Court (IHC) established a larger bench to begin the contempt of court proceedings against Imran Khan. The bench begins on charges of threatening additional Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry during his speech in Islamabad.
In the meantime, the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) showed good notes and welcomed the verdict of the Islamabad High Court to initiate contempt of the proceedings against Imran Khan.
SCBA President Ahsan Bhoon showed his remarks,
“It was not just violent and insulting but has damaged the self-respect and prestige of the complete judicial system also. His [Imran Khan’s] conduct also exposed how much he cares about the respect and reverence of honorable Judges. Being the apex bar of the country, this association cannot turn a blind eye toward such malicious acts, which undermine the dignity, decorum, and prestige of our judiciary.”
“Time and again, this association has maintained that everyone is free to express his/her disagreement with judgments but no one is free to harm the respect and dignity of Judges. Let no one is mistaken that SCBAP in particular and the entire legal fraternity in general, will not allow anyone to sabotage the dignity and repute of our institutions, especially the judiciary, come what may.”
Formerly, the IHC settled a three-day protective bail for Imran Khan.
In response to all the proceedings against Khan, The PTI lawyer voiced his points of view that Imran neither had any illegitimate record in the past nor was he ever sentenced.
Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has a clear past and is always ready to present himself for inquiry every time a court orders. Additionally, Imran doesn’t mean to mess around with the record of the trial.
According to a joint statement of coalition parties, the current government is taking legal action against Imran Khan and his associates for interfering in the matters of the ministers and threatening the officers and government staff who are performing their duties according to the law.
These threats are blatant bullying and lawlessness. Imran is the chairman of a traitorous foreign-aided party and a recipient of foreign funding, who has plotted a coup in the Pakistan Army.
After the announcement of Imran Khan’s arrest, a zillion of his supporters joined together to stand for him and his party. He has an unbelievable fan following and supporters, live for his support.
Also, his political associates cautioned that the arrest of their leader would be like crossing a red line.
They made the remarks saying If Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is arrested, we will take over Islamabad.
Still, the economic market and the economic growth with different important divisions are destabilizing.
There is the Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan and the government fights are gone and a lot to still come according to rising tensions. The whole versus fight is concerning for the stability of the state.